Clinical Adoption

Advanced Therapy Treatment Centres (ATTCs)

We coordinate the Advanced Therapy Treatment Centres (ATTC), a network of facilities that address the unique and complex challenges of accelerating the adoption of advanced therapy medicinal products (ATMPs) into the NHS.

The ATTC network programme is a world first. The ATTCs operate within the NHS framework to develop systems to introduce ATMPs into the clinic, establishing them as a standard of care.

The ATTCs are spread across the UK:

  • Innovate Manchester Advanced Therapy Centre Hub (iMATCH)

  • Midlands-Wales Advanced Therapy Treatment Centre (MW-ATTC): Comprising Birmingham, Cardiff, Leicester, Nottingham, and Swansea

  • Northern Alliance Advanced Therapies Treatment Centre (NA-ATTC): Comprising Edinburgh, Glasgow, Leeds, and Newcastle

The CGT Catapult plays a central coordinating role for the network and in the establishment and coordination of the network’s Industry Advisory Group.

The network was founded through the initial support from the Industrial Challenge Strategy Fund delivered by UK Research and Innovation