Welcome to the Cell and Gene Therapy Catapult Research Integrity and Feedback page.
The Cell and Gene Therapy Catapult takes the safety and wellbeing of our staff very seriously, and we adhere to the guidelines of the UK Concordat for Research Integrity.
This web page allows you to report any issues that you may experience from interaction with other colleagues working at the Catapult.
Staff conduct reporting
If you wish to raise an issue linked to the behaviour of a member of our staff, please use the Staff Conduct Reporting Link. Typical examples of inappropriate behaviour might include - but are not limited to - bullying or intimidation, sexual coercion, racist commentary or inappropriate use of company resources or equipment. Your comments will be passed to the Senior HR Business Partner who will investigate them.
Research integrity reporting
If you wish to highlight issues with the quality of our science -e.g., if you believe that data from a scientific experiment has been badly reported, deliberately falsified or even if you believe experiments are simply (and routinely) badly designed or conducted, please report your thoughts and experience through the Research Integrity Link. Your comments will be passed to the Chief Clinical Officer who will investigate them.