Scottish Advanced Therapies and Vaccines Network

Fostering collaboration and supporting growth across the advanced therapy and vaccine industries in Scotland and beyond.

About the Network

The life sciences sector in Scotland is worth approx. £10.5 billion per annum, and the industry is well positioned to make a significant impact on UK and international advanced therapy and vaccine markets.

Coordinated by the Cell and Gene Therapy Catapult, with support from Scottish Enterprise, the Scottish Advanced Therapies and Vaccines Network has been established to help realise this potential.

The Network’s mission is to foster collaboration and support growth across the advanced therapy and vaccine industries in Scotland and beyond, by facilitating opportunities for academic, NHS and industry experts to connect, exchange knowledge and tackle challenges together. We organise regular events across Scotland, hosting inspiring talks from leading experts, lively discussion, and informal networking for:

  • Industry professionals/investors with an interest in supporting growth in the advanced therapy/vaccine sectors in Scotland
  • Academics involved in advanced therapy and/or vaccine research
  • Government officials/policy makers/regulators/healthcare providers with an interest in advanced therapies/vaccines

If you are interested in coming along to future events, join the mailing list to receive invitations, plus other relevant updates and opportunities from the Network.

Network priorities

The Network is focussed on supporting the development of a pipeline of new advanced therapy and vaccine therapeutics, as well as expansion of specialist manufacturing capacity and its supporting supply chain in Scotland.

To help work towards this goal, the Network is supported by an Advisory Group, made up of senior industry leaders, together representing the full breadth of the existing sector in Scotland.

This group provides expert insight into the key challenges which must be overcome in order to drive growth, and innovation across the industry.

Priorities include addressing skills shortages, solving shared manufacturing and sustainability challenges, and ensuring Scotland is an attractive destination for clinical trials. 

Please get in contact if you are interested in learning more about the Network and how you can get involved.

Click here to contact our Network Co-ordinator