Last week, Charles River Laboratories International, Inc, officially opened the doors of its Alderley Park site in Cheshire, United Kingdom, a purpose-built High Quality (HQ) plasmid manufacturing facility to support the development of potentially transformative cell and gene therapies (C>s).

Matthew Durdy, Chief Executive, Cell and Gene Therapy Catapult, commented:“The funding and launch of the new Charles River facility represents a powerful and vital addition to the national manufacturing network and marks a huge step forward for the UK’s infrastructure needs. The rapid expansion of our manufacturing capabilities is fundamental both to meeting the growing global demand for ATMPs and developing the UK’s standing as a leading international hub for cell and gene therapy.
Overcoming key challenges to further open up local and international market opportunities remains crucial to the sector’s continued growth. Moreover, world class manufacturing technology and robust supply chain solutions become increasingly pivotal as the market evolves to target these life-changing therapies at high prevalence diseases. Capabilities such as those now established at Alderley Park, are central to addressing these challenges and to ensuring that the UK continues to excel and be a global leader in cell and gene therapies.”
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