We are excited to be sponsoring and speaking at the Advanced Therapies Integrates North 2025 Conference in Edinburgh on 30th April.

The event will focus on the key innovations within complex therapeutics, cell and gene therapies, regenerative medicines and tissue therapies and identify the challenges facing the industry, such as regulatory and commercial barriers to deploying transformational changes.
Speaking from the Cell and Gene Therapy Catapult:
Title: Trial Blazers
The UK boasts world-class clinical development infrastructure, but is it keeping pace with global competition in ATMPs? With insights from leading UK CROs and a review of the NIHR Advanced Therapy Treatment Centre (ATTC) funding one year on, we’ll explore key learnings and outline what’s next for advancing ATMP clinical development in the UK.
Speaker: Jacqueline Barry, Chief Clinical Officer
Time: 11:35 - 12:15