During the interview Keith spoke about how Cell and Gene Therapy Catapult is helping more patients access cell and gene therapies.
This programme, produced by ITN Productions for the NHS Alliance, includes an interview with Keith Thompson outlines the issues in the industry, the role of the Cell and Gene Therapy Catapult and how we are helping more patients to access these therapies through the creation of a network of Advanced Therapy Treatment Centres.
Cell and gene therapies are a revolution in healthcare, like nothing before seen by the healthcare system. The Advanced Therapy Treatment Centres will develop the processes to allow these therapies to be delivered on a routine basis in the NHS.
If it’s a living therapy you can hardly put it in a blister pack and then expect it to be prescribed in a traditional fashion.
Keith Thompson, CEO, Cell and Gene Therapy Catapult
The programme also features Nightstar Therapeutics, a gene therapy company based in London, talking about how they are generating a gene therapy to treat inherited eye conditions like Chloridaemia.
Watch the programme here