Just 18 months ago, the Advanced Therapy Treatment Centre (ATTC) network was set up through funding from the UK Research and Innovation Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund.
The network was set up in response to the challenge faced by the UK to bring cell and gene therapies into routine medical practice and anticipated dramatic increase in clinical trial activity across the country. The introduction of these novel therapies, and the challenges this brings, has created an opportunity to place the UK at the forefront of this technology and for the country to be the place to bring these treatments to patients as they move from clinical trial to marketed products.
Since its inception, the three Innovate UK funded ATTCs (Innovate Manchester Advanced Therapy Centre Hub (iMATCH), Midlands and Wales Advanced Therapy Treatment Centre (MW-ATTC) and Northern Alliance Advanced Therapies Treatment Centre (NA-ATTC)) have been working to smooth the path to adoption and develop ways of working within and across centres and supply chain that will support the increased clinical use of ATMPs. The collaboration across the industrial and NHS partners has begun to produce guidance documents and approaches to standardisation.
The success of the network is now attracting all the major companies operating in the UK as a way of solving the problems, connecting the professionals and accelerating patient access to these novel therapies.
Watch the video to see how far the ATTC network has come in the past 18 months.

This project has been funded by the Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund, part of the government’s modern Industrial Strategy. The fund is delivered by UK Research and Innovation.