Updating our clinical trials and preclinical programmes databases

Cell and Gene Therapy Catapult are updating their clinical trials and preclinical programmes databases.

Each year, we gather industry information on the latest cell and gene therapy clinical trials and preclinical programmes ongoing in the UK. The resulting clinical trials and preclinical programmes databases provide what we believe to be the most comprehensive and accurate review of the UK cell and gene therapy clinical trial and preclinical programme landscapes.

Previous clinical trial databases can be viewed here

Previous preclinical programme databases can be viewed here

We are currently collecting data to update the databases for 2017. We are looking to collect information on all cell and gene therapy clinical trial and preclinical activates on going as of April 2017, including:

  • Academic and commercial trials
  • Academic research at UK universities
  • Commercial research projects ongoing in the UK
  • All trials involving cells as therapeutic agents
  • All trials involving in vivo and ex vivo gene therapy

This is the fifth year CGT Catapult has collected this data which will be made available to academics, researchers and commercial organisations. It is collected from the UK cell and gene therapy community so is potentially not exhaustive but substantial enough to examine trends.

To submit details of your clinical trial or preclinical programme contact us.