Press ReleaseNetwork established to identify opportunities for regulation to support innovation within advanced therapies
Publication of Cell Therapy Catapult’s First ReviewDesign & Engineering Consultant for new Cell Therapy Manufacturing Centre appointedCBRE appointed as search agent for Cell Therapy Manufacturing Centre siteBusiness Secretary Vince Cable opens Cell Therapy Catapult’s state-of-the-art facilitiesUCL, Imperial & Cell Therapy Catapult collaborate to advance leukaemia cell therapyCell Therapy Catapult supports Smith & Nephew on innovative wound care productCell and Gene Therapy Catapult approach to GMP Manufacturing in the UKUK GMP manufacturing survey shows strong network of early-stage facilitiesTeam led by UCL & GOSH to develop infant oesophageal replacement product First joint project for Cell Therapy Catapult & UK Stem Cell Foundation.Cell Therapy Catapult to work with Athersys on projects to advance European development of MultiStem® therapyCT Catapult to discuss bioengineered organs & T cell therapies at ISCT 2014Wellcome Trust awards BloodPharma team £5m for red blood cell transfusion project