Impact of the ATTC Network after 18 months of operationCGT Catapult hosts second annual workshop to address digital challenges in adoption of advanced therapies by the NHSCGT Catapult launches commercial readiness advice clinics programme to help cell and gene therapy SMEs and spin-out companies accelerate towards commercialisationCell and Gene Therapy Catapult CEO to RetireThe Duke of York visits the Cell and Gene Therapy CatapultWhat are the hurdles impacting patient access to cell and gene therapies in the UK?Press release: Annual Review 2019 highlights impact of CGT Catapult in accelerating the delivery of advanced therapies to patientsPress release: CGT Catapult to target a barrier to the rapid expansion of the industry, by developing analytics for high throughput quality controlNobel Prize-winning stem cell researcher, Professor Shinya Yamanaka, visits CGT CatapultCelebrating one year of operation at the Cell and Gene Therapy Catapult manufacturing centreBringing SMEs together with investors to secure funding for the UK industryiMATCH ATTC given boost for expanding use of cell and gene therapies in the UK